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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Turkish Politics, Israel, and a Little Self Delusion

A recent Wall Street Journal article about Mr. Erdogan, the Turkish Prime Minister, is a nice compliment to my recent comments on Turkish sponsorship of the recent effort to break the Israeli "blockade" of Gaza. I use the term blockade because that is the term in general usage in the international press. I place it in quotes because it seems to me to more resemble a quarantine, since some items are permitted in. Kindly see the article below, noting the following: Turkey is nowhere near as much a western country as Europeans and Americans would like to think. While all countries have national myths, Turkey's may be uniquely powerful, and most significantly, uniquely at odds with the truth. I'll admit my bias - as a child, I knew a survivor of the Armenian genocide (sorry, for all you Turks, it's just the "Joint Turkish-Armenian Misunderstanding).

For the full story, please see: http://www.meforum.org/2668/erdogan-and-the-israel-card

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