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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thoughts On 17 September 2009

Lest I be tempted to sugar coat things, I'll begin by stating that both sides in the current health care debate are lying. Yup, they sure are. Going in order of seniority:

Those in favor of “health care reform” want to get us to a single payer system. That's what liberal,s do – they work to have the nanny state expanded. It proves to them that thney are superior, because they care. The rest of the “pro” positions are a smoke screen. It's a necessary smoke screen,m since the for-profit health insurance industry is such a large portion of the economy. If the “pros” were serious about reform without mischief, they wouldn't have a 1000 page reform bill on the table. If they were serious, they might have put a 200 page bill on the table – one that anyone could understand. I suppose that would be out of the question.

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